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So last week I had been incredibly stressed.

I had been dealing with an unusual work situation and one that was causing major havoc in the moment.  My stomach has been in knots, and it has caused a migraine, backache, major stomach ache and definitely sleep loss.

How do you come back from a stint like that? Remember that you need to get back on your game and get back to work.

1. First address the Giant.

You have to learn to face confrontation head on and stand up for what you believe in a way that is authentic and true to how you are feeling.  Get it off your chest, but always play fair. Remember karma is a bigger b*tch then you or I could ever be! Let the flow of energy run its course. Do what you can to clean up your side of the street. When you have done all you can do and the ball is not in your court, give it up to the universe. Try to relax and trust that everything will work out. If you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry; instead pray for it to be resolved for the highest good of both parties involved (as my mentor Gabrielle Bernstein would say).

Now that you did what you could…

2. Warm it up.

The best thing to do to reduce stress; as soon as you feel it coming on is to get warm. Go put on a cozy sweater, take a walk over to the heater in the winter or go outside for a stroll in the sun.  Warming up your body will get that frigid chill of your back, release muscle tension, and calm your anxiety levels.

3. Eat your cravings.

I know it sounds counter productive and a surefire way to gain weight if you emotionally eat every time you are stressed, so DON’T.  However, sometimes if you are REALLY stressed and you eat SMART cravings you can actually reduce the levels of chemicals in your body that are in freak-out mode and increase the one’s with calming effects.

Your body intuitively knows what foods you need and if you are craving chocolate – there’s usually a scientific reason why.

Dark chocolate reduces the levels of stress hormone cortisol as well as the “fight-or-flight” hormones called catecholamines.  Coco is also rich in antioxidants called flavonoids which are linked to numerous health benefits.

Peanut butter is high in tryptophan, a chemical that helps the body relax and the brain produce “mood improving chemicals”.  Nuts are full of vitamin B, the vitamins that help stress.  Almond butter is especially high in these vitamins so reach for that healthy alternative if you crave peanut butter frequently and down want the high glycemic rush.

Bananas are rich in calcium and potassium, which helps to relieve anxiety, stress and lower blood pressure.

So when you’re stressed make a lethal anxiety killer on a plate – Bananas topped with peanut butter and chocolate. Oh what a torturous Rx indeed! (Sarcasm)

4. Meditate.

Now that your body feels nourished, time to relax your soul. Sit for 5-10 minutes in meditation or listen to some zen-ed out music.  My favorite meditation choice right now is Oprah & Deepak’s 21 day meditation challenge. The free Challenge just ended but you can purchase the meditations here. They. are. AWESOME.

5. Write it out.

Now to calm our mind.  Now that you have given your body and soul a chance to get back in balance, take pen to paper (or hand to keyboard) and vent it out.  It’s not likely other people will relish in your stressed out angry venting so don’t rub that energy off on them.  Write it out to clear your mind, write what you are feeling and what you are going through.  If you need to do this before and after you meditate, the meditation will surely give you a clearer perspective on things and the ability to forgive your foes so you can get back to better things, like being happy!

Just remember, when you are stressed on a work day its hard to step away and calm yourself. However – if you don’t you will be carrying those stressful vibes with you on everything you do.  Imagine this: Your work project will get some fiery comments, perhaps some errors and any phone calls or in-person meetings you may have – the person on the receiving side may get the brunt end of the stick.  You could lose a deal, a client or just blow your lid in front of an important decision maker.  Not a cute look!

Warning: Don’t let this happen to you!

Step away from the situation and take some time out to regroup. It could be 10 minutes or it could be an hour but you will leave that stress at the door and be able to get back in the groove in no time! Everyone will appreciate it.

Hope that inspires you!

