trails of gold

Illustration with gold leaf

So amassed with the enormous task list I have in front of me and all the deadlines I have been staring at, I really just wanted to write about how extremely grateful I am.  Thanksgiving has come and gone and now the holidays are upon us. This year has been my best year yet! I had the chance to marry my best friend in a fairy tale wedding (Disney Princess Ariel inspired of course!), launched another business, Chic Sketch (this past FEBRUARY may I add) that has been exploding in clients, orders, users and responsibilities to run it.
I am in the middle of writing and illustrating a book (oh yeah, I know I haven’t mentioned that yet – but I have been wanting to keep it on the down low yet feel so guilty about not having a frequent blogging schedule and I wanted to tell you why! I’m hiding this in my post with no bold, caps or exclamation marks because although I feel that way, I want to keep it as calm as possible until it launches, however I feel like I tell you almost everything and I’m having a hard time keeping this from you!)


This year my family and I have been blessed with abundance in every way and I am especially aware of how blessed we are because of all the horrifying murders and senseless killing that has been occurring around the world and in our backyards.  It makes me so mad that these people could kill innocent lives, wreck families and instill fear in the hearts of millions. They are winning, and we can’t let them. I pray there there is a solution to this and that some how, something big changes. We are about to be at a tipping point and I hope it comes soon because the balance of peace and love has to overcome this darkness. I try my hardest not to get sucked into the news because that crap only makes you feel terrible after watching it and there is nothing you can do to change the events of the day. We need a hero. We all have to be our own heroes now. 

The holidays make me remember how many people are without. Having been in all kinds of situations at various points in my life, I understand this and appreciate every single day of how grateful I am to have all of the necessities and now so much more.

I wanted to say, there are so many times when you can easily get depressed about what is going on in the world, or the situations of other people, but it is our job as those who are blessed in any way, shape or form to be our brightest selves, to shine our light bright and help those in need any way we can. From a donation of any size to a smile and a hug. We need to be there for those who need it and lift as many people up as possible.

There are also so many times when I get overwhelmed at how much I am supposed to be doing and how much I have not gotten done. There never seems to be a day when I get all of my to do list done. My list of things to do on the daily is huge, yet I know so many people (namely my husband) who have even bigger lists to check off and even larger shoes to fill. I don’t know how he does it, but I do know God only gives you what you can handle. I guess I can handle a lot and he can handle a lot to!  I am so grateful for every freakin second of it. I’m grateful to have my blog as an outlet to express myself and as a place I can reconnect and I’m so sorry that I have not been doing this every week. I miss it but once my book is complete I will be back on my weekly schedule (hopefully!)

It’s times like these when I shut myself off from all distractions and try to work, work, work. However, what often happens is that I end up staring at the screen or distracting myself on facebook, or seem to hit a block when I feel like a ball of stress waiting for it all to bubble over.

If this happens to me, (or if it happens to you for that matter), STOP WORKING.
Take a step back, focus on those people and things most important to you – because most likely you have been ignoring them to focus on your work. Take a breath, make some cookies for your hubs or fam (I just did!), play with your pet, call a loved one, read a few pages in the book that has been sitting on your night stand for way too long, pour some champagne and take some time for yourself.

After that, you will feel a million times better, making time for what is most important, the things that you should treasure most: your husband or wife, your parents, siblings, friends and taking care of yourself. With all this crap going on in the world, you should count your lucky stars every day and live EACH FREAKING DAY LIKE IT IS YOUR LAST, make time for those you love and let them know HOW MUCH you love them and tell them everything you want to tell them. Make them feel loved and special because some people in San Bernardino, Paris, Israel, Colorado, Sandy Hook, third world countries, those fleeing ISIS or even somewhere near you – those people DON’T have tomorrow with their loved ones.  Remember and be grateful if you do.

Maybe all of this is supposed to make us remember how to be grateful for everything.

We can only do the best we can do.  I am praying so much for our world right now.  Please keep the faith and tap into the global power of love and unity and mentally assert your declaration for peace and especially peace in the hearts of those who may want to kill next.

We as a people must overcome separation, finger pointing and prejudice towards the terrorists, murderers and criminals because THAT is EXACTLY The reason they are justifying killing in their minds. They are so convinced that we are different, that they are different, better than, less than or that their next victim wronged them in some way beyond repair and that they need to be stopped in cold blood.

IF we think the exact same sentiment towards them, their hearts will remain in anger, vengeance and we will keep feeding their negativity and hate.  Keeping the negative feelings towards each other only creates more violence.

PRAY and tap into the UNIVERSAL connection we all share (you know when someone angry or happy and walks into a room and you can feel that person’s mood – that is the Universal connection we all share and it spans the whole Universe and any living thing).  EVERY SINGLE person just wants to feel love. Have compassion for those with so much hurt, so much pain, so much suffering in their world and hearts that all they can do is hurt other people. Only hurt people, hurt people.  As hard as it is and as counter intuitive as it may sound, getting back to the basics of HUMANS and even all animals alike, subconsciously we all want to be loved.  Pray for peace.

Hope that inspires you to do as much as you can and still do as much for yourself as you can.  Don’t give up hope.  Spread love and the idea for a brighter future.


Follow me on Instagram & Snapchat @EmilyBrickel