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“The Brave may not live forever, but the cautious may not live at all.”  – Sir. Richard Branson

The key to getting what you want in life is to be bold, to be brazen and to ask for what you deserve and what you want.  It is to take ACTION in the face of fear and uncertainty and to be disciplined to never give up, no matter what.  It is to be unswayed by public opinion and to violently trust your own intuition.

If something is holding you back in life, its time to recognize why.

Admit that you are afraid for whatever reason to push forward. Acknowledge your fear but move forward anyway.

Find people who inspire you and who you can look at their trajectory to see how they did it.

Life is way too short to care about what anyone thinks about your fashion sense, your life/career/love/personal choices, your “unchoices” and anywhere in between. (I need to take my own advice in this!)  SO make bold choices!

Live boldly and for your heart.

Make a decision, and when you make it – embrace it.

Don’t think so much – ACT.  Don’t over analyze (like I do sometimes) and just DO IT!

The best decisions I ever made in life are those that I didn’t over think and just lept face forward in with my intuition and trusted that it was the right thing to do.

Trust that YOU know what is right for YOU.  Go with it.

Understand that people generally have good advice and intentions but sometimes they are doing so based on their own fears, with the intention to protect you. Playing small is safe. Staying safe is not where success grows.

“Dream big and live your life the way you want to.” – my mom (!!)

Sit in silence and discover what it is that you choose.

As always,

Hope that inspires you!

