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Everyone is capable of being their own brilliant diamond.

“Diamonds are nothing more then chunks of carbon that stuck to their job.”  -Malcolm Forbes

Diamonds are the most indestructible element on earth, and yet they were formed of crushing pressure and intense heat. The diamonds that shine the brightest are the ones that have gone through the most intense of ringers.

We as humans are put through constant pressure and trials in order to polish our sharp edges and create a dazzling luster – one that anyone could see from miles away.

“Never dim your light just because it is shining in people’s eyes.” – anon.

Being where ever you may, perhaps the farthest out of your element can be the perfect training ground to polish your diamond in the rough.

Take a look at where you are getting pressure, what triggers something big or painful for you and note that is where you will begin to create your own diamond. What are you avoiding? What is pinning you up against the wall? Take note and get comfortable in the face of uncertainty.

You will never become that diamond if you don’t feel your fear and do it anyway.

Hope that inspires you!

If you’re looking for an added dose of inspiration, check out my girl health coach Arielle Haspel’s new cooking series  with Glamour Magazine that just launched last Friday. Here is the first episode. Watch here to catch her creating an easy-to-make, guilt-free summer dessert.

Also check out her recent style feature here!

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration