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100th blog! Read more for special discount code!!! 

This blog marks my 100th illustrated blog and I couldn’t be more proud.
(OF MYSELF!) Yes I said it! I am really proud of myself, and my blog of course but it took one HELL OF A commitment to do a new illustrated blog every week for almost 2 years!!!! I am taking this moment to CELEBRATE with a HELL YEAH! Four more blogs away from 2 years! I kind of cant believe it.  This blog started out on a flight across the United States on Virgin Airways as I was inspired by entrepreneur Richard Branson to just do it! This blog has been something I was toying with for a few months before that and something I started out thinking “why would anyone want to read what I have to say”, but knowing in my heart that I had something to share.
I started this blog as a tool to inspire myself because I noticed there were no other blogs mainly about inspiration. Now, almost 2 years later, I have not only pushed myself every week to get inspired, to carry my word through and never miss a week but also that I have inspired so many of you! I am so extremely grateful for all of your emails to messages and me. If anything I can do has helped you in any way then I feel extremely blessed.
Writing here, weekly, to you has been one of the most fun parts of my week, and one of my most challenging at times.  Pushing out content week by week that is not only inspiring, but different, vulnerable, real, close to my heart and what I’m going through at the time has been such a crazy ride.
I am so excited to say that this challenge keeps evolving and growing as I grow and will continue to do so.
Committing yourself to something right on the brink of ambition and resolve is such a learning and cultivating process and I highly recommend you do it in your life.  Setting the determination to carry out a long-term goal and publicly acknowledging it (to make sure people can call you out if you let things fall through the cracks) is one of the best ways to see things through. 
This process has not only helped me grow my business, but set the ground work to follow a 5, to some times DAILY workout routine, allowed me to plan out my goals, years, months and days in a much more efficient way, accomplish them, and so much more.
If you are thinking about committing to something daily, weekly or monthly – definitely do it.  It is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It will definitely increase your self-confidence too, which we all can always use an extra dose of, including me!
If you have something you want to start but think, like I thought at the beginning “Why do people want to hear from me”, realize your voice is special, unique and by the laws of the universe – people who need to hear what you have to say will find you some how. 
It is out there for the world to see when you do something like a public blog.  If I screw up, I do so on the internet and you can’t really erase it once it is out there.  This takes a lot of guts, I have to say – and I am not tooting my own horn but merely saying YOU can do it too!
Stepping out of the fear of “what if people don’t like it” and pushing through to knowing there is some one who needs to hear your message are two totally different motivations, one that will give you the courage to put it out there in a real way.  I’m not perfect. Sometimes I have NO CLUE as to what I’m going to write. Sometimes I plan it out way in advance.  EVERY TIME I am about to publish something I have that small ego voice telling me that it’s not good enough, that people wont like it and that it sucks.  But then, that’s where the faith comes in.  Knowing I feel this way, lets me know that there HAS to be someone out there that feels this way too and needs to hear this message, and that they will find it.
That is how I found so many things in life like blogs, mentors, friends, events that would lead to connections and so much more. It is the law of attraction at it’s best. You need it, it will come. 
So on this 100th blog, I would like to say to you, have COURAGE in what you have to say. Be brave in the face of uncertainty.  Stand tall in the space of the unknown and trust that you will be guided.
“When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.”-  Edward Teller.
In honor of my 100th blog, get 10% off any of my illustrations on etsy now through next Thursday. Use code 10100.  Also look out for this illustration available soon as a print as well as the one that it was inspired by that is Exclusively for Pink Pizza Events, my friend and fellow entrepreneur. 
As always,
Hope that inspires you!

Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration