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“If you go for success, pleasure is 50/50. If you go for pleasure, success is guaranteed.” Quoted the founder of Boom, Cindy Joseph.

I recently read this statement and it was quite interesting to hear.

“Pleasure is suspicious in our society but if you are honest with yourself and what you really want your only hope of happiness is going for what gives you immense pleasure” Cindy said.

People are judged pretty heavily based on their successes and their enjoyment of life.  If you see a hard working person who is grunting and complaining of the pains in their life, but who appears to have it all, money, cars, a relationship, nice things, great job, etc. this person is most always regarded as successful even if they seem to not be enjoying the process.  Sometimes these people even go as far as complaining on purpose to even the playing ground, to make others around more comfortable and downplay their actual happiness and successes.

On the flip side when a person is successful BECAUSE they are enjoying life, having fun and living their desires they are almost always regarded with a negative attitude (or perhaps jealousy) and even deemed to have “stumbled upon success”, to have been “handed it” or worse remarks that are so far from the truth.

Why does pleasure have to be guilty?  If I want to have a mid afternoon chocolate break (instead of coffee) and also enjoy working out – what really is the problem?  But we as a society really enjoy making pleasure seem guilty.   After my chocolate break I am hard wired and programed (by society) to feel bad that I indulged.  Why?

I honestly have no idea but it is absurd! What’s the point in living life if you truly can’t enjoy it!!!?!!?

Whoever heard of the saying “You can’t have your cake and eat it too!?”  WHY WOULD YOU HAVE CAKE IF YOU CAN’T EAT IT TOO!?!?!?  This is perplexing!  I understand this proverb is about trade-offs in life but why does pleasure have to be a trade-off?

Why can’t we have it all?

Well.  My answer to that is we can, actually, have it all.  When following your heart’s desire you are on the path to success – headed towards living a life beyond your wildest dreams. So go for it, and keep on going for it.  You will always be successful if you are following your passion.

Now, in terms of burn out: “You run long and hard, you get tired. That’s a fact. Marathoners don’t criticize themselves after a race for being exhausted. They rest.” – Danielle LaPorte.


I couldn’t have said it better myself.

When doing your Passion work, you are highly likely to face burn out at one point or anther. That’s ok. It’s normal. You should.

Danielle goes on to say:

-As the legend goes, when the Phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before.


-“Life balance” is an insidious myth. Picasso, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Einstein, Maria Callas – they weren’t aiming for balance, they were aiming to rock their genius, and they’ve all had periods of burn out.

-On the seventh day, even God rested.

-Take stock of all you’ve accomplished. You’ve come far, baby. And you’ve got the road rash and the muscle definition to prove it.

And lastly

Burn out is a natural part of shining. Naturally. I welcome it now.

Thanks Danielle.

And now I invite YOU to go find your biggest desires and make them come true.  Do your Passion work, shine bright, burn out, rest, and do it all over again and then repeat. This is how you serve the world with your gift and keep on giving.

Hope that inspires you!
