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Something about the fall always makes me feel like it’s time to pamper myself.  The cooler weather commands us to focus on fall fashion, on our beauty routines and freshening ourselves up for a new season.

Fashion week, fall fetes, holidays coming up and more social gatherings in a new climate lend themselves perfectly to trying a new lip color or trend.

Everything about the jewel tone colors, the excuse to wear more makeup then in the summer months and the call to play around with fashion is so fun.  Halloween, thanksgiving and holiday parties are what’s new to prep for.

Adapt a new hair conditioner now to combat brittle strands before they arrive, slather on that skin cream to hydrate in windy and brisk situations and go to the local boutique or drug store to try on new fashion or beauty finds.

It’s just a great excuse to feel extra girly. To prep our shells for winter weather; skin, tresses and garbs.

If you’re not into all those frills, just take this as an opportunity to get really vivid, nutrient-rich autumn veggies to steep into a stew, or douse the tub with Epsom salt and hop in for soak.

Whatever it is that feels like luxury to you, do it. Treat yourself.  The end of summer solstice marks the preparation to get all our nuts in a row in order to hibernate and marinate in our situations.

This pertains to business as well.  Take a luxurious approach to your work and really dig into your vision for the future, gnaw into the bones of your dreams and set the course correct, or deeper to get there.

Relish in this time of year that really gets you ready to saturate yourself in earthly pleasures, dreams come true and frivolous things.

Take the time you need, do it for yourself. You deserve it.

Hope that inspires you to live a glamorous autumn in more ways that one.

