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Your outer world reflects your inner world

When you take the time to stop and look at what you are experiencing in the world around you, it becomes clear that your outer world tends to look a lot like what is happening internally to you.

If you stub your toe, spill coffee all over yourself (or the person next to you), even loose your voice or have a health condition – ask yourself if there is something you are avoiding or suppressing in regard to a specific area of your life. Are there emotions you are burying inside of you?

If you are feeling positive, thinking great and beautiful thoughts of the future, feeling gratitude for everything you have and where you are, if you are confidently dreaming about how you can do your job better and help more people in the process; beautiful things will sprout up, opportunities will present themselves, creative solutions will come to you and your outer world will reflect your inner thoughts.

What negative or positive experiences are happening for you in your life?

Reflecting on your experiences can provide major insight to you.  These clues can be pinpointing if you are headed in the right direction towards your goals or if the universe is trying to give you a knock on the head and telling you to turn around.

If things are going awry in your life, try to create an even more pleasant atmosphere for yourself.  Start small.  Decorating, cleaning, organizing, adding flowers, lighting candles, painting a wall or adding or a bowl of fruit are not just for external pleasures.

Setting the scene of your life starts with your immediate surroundings. If you are not inspired by or comforted by the room you work in or go to sleep in chances are you will not feel inspired or comfortable in your work or sleep patterns.

Simply being brought back to our basic fundamental needs, having them met and upping the anti by incorporating scents, spices, candles, visual stimulation and more are incredibly important for your brain and how it functions.

Deepak Chopra says “(Scents, textures, sights and sounds) Nourishes the brain, which takes care of us so we can better take care of our bodies.”

A positive outer environment allows us to make positive choices in the little things we do. The small choices become the things that fill our day. The days we fill become how we spend our lives.

When things are going haywire in your life it signifies that something is wrong, something is out of alignment.

Get comfortable with expressing your true and deep feelings. Become aware that everyone holds a difference of opinion and if you just suppress yours you will never feel heard or supported.  Accepting more love, abundance, and greatness is your job so that your internal abundance can reflect an outer abundance.

Hope that inspires you!
