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Sometimes life has a way of getting ahead of us,

things start to go really fast and we get tunnel vision.  We forget to remember the little things and forget to notice the details.  We forget that kindness goes a long way and that you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.

Sometimes you get stuck in that tunnel vision and don’t notice how you make others feel.  How you make others feel is key because as Maya Angelou once said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maybe you are just not happy if you are not being kind to other people.

It’s not about who did what to you years ago, it’s about how you’re going to treat them now when they need you the most.  It’s about what YOU will bring to the table because you are better than holding grudges.  It’s about forgiving others and yourself and loving unconditionally because if you think about life from the other person’s shoes it’s probably not as nice as yours if they are in a bad place.  Only people that are hurting inside, hurt others.  Are you on the giving or receiving end of this? Maybe both?

The next time someone screams at you or does something really hurtful, know that they are hurting inside at that very moment. Understand that with compassion.

Forgive yourself.  If it is you that you are holding a grudge against, get to the root of it, understand you did the best you could in that moment and forgive yourself.

Forgive the people who hurt you.  See it from their eyes.
Every action is a RE-action to how they were feeling when they hurt you.  It’s the journey that they are on that got them to make these choices and it is their path to make these mistakes and to learn from them. They are doing the best they can with where they are at.

Life is so much fuller when you love and break down walls that you once put up.

Drop the grudges. Life is so short, and people and relationships make it all worth it.  People and relationships are what make life worth living – so look at your relationships and see where YOU can show up – even and ESPECIALLY if they can’t.

Not everyone is as loyal as man’s best friend (your pets), but you can communicate and tell someone if they’ve hurt you. You can also forgive them in your own head and never tell them at all – but the energy in that relationship has now shifted to a more positive one and all your interactions will be more positive.

Be kind to yourself.  You are also fighting a hard battle – every one is.  We all go through ups and downs and we need each other for love and support.  Be that support.

Have compassion.  Be the forever kind of love you would like to receive from others and beam it out to the world and to those who hurt you most.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”- Ghandi (And be the change you want to see in how people treat you).

“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Anonymous.

Do it for you, forgive others at least to heal yourself.  Let it go and be that forever kind of love that we all need.

~Dedicated to those who need it most.

Hope that inspires you!

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration