This time of year is so magical, its what the holidays are about.  Realizing that after your full work week, your daily cup  o’joe (or green juice) after the worries and the details of your day have come and gone – all you really have and need is family, love and the relationships that will always be there for you.  I heard Latham Thomas of speak at Gabrielle Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie 11/11/11 lecture and something she said really resonated with me.  She spoke about how she let her young son make up his own prayers over his food to give thanks.  What he made up was probably one of the most sweet, insightful and grateful prayers for our food I have ever heard.  I was honored to repeat it at our thanksgiving dinner.

It went something along the lines of this:

Thank you to the farmers who grew this food, thank you to the land that nourished and supported this food to grow, (thank you for the Turkey who gave its life), thank you to the field workers for picking this food, thank you to the merchants who bought these crops, thank you to the supermarket workers and owners for preparing this food so that we can purchase it, thank you for our jobs so we can buy this food, thank you for (my mom) our families who prepared this food and thank you God (or whom ever you pray to or believe in) for letting us enjoy this food to nourish our bodies.

So much goes into your thanksgiving dinner, and the daily food we eat. I am so grateful to live in a country where we don’t have to worry about how we will get our food.  I am grateful for all of the systems we have in place to make our lives easier and give us the ability to nourish, feed, take care and clothe ourselves. I am most of all thankful for all of the love, friends and family I have that surround me and for the ability to welcome in abundance when I put my mind and efforts towards it!

Happy Thanksgiving!