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It’s My Birthday and my gift to you is 25% off all of my shops using code: BIRTHDAYGIRL Now through Feb 6th! 

So today is my BIRTHDAY and I am so grateful to celebrate another trip around the sun and to see what adventures this year will bring!

For some reason my internal clock always thinks the new year begins on my birthday (since technically it does on everyone’s birthday) and for that reason I always take some sort of inventory of my life and my dreams.

I would normally say that I turn 24 for the 5th time as my fiancé can attest, but this year I am proud to say that I will be 29 years old and in these last 29 years I can finally say I am truly proud of myself.  For some reason the inner wisdom of myself is really setting in hard core and I am so much more comfortable, happy and at ease with who I am and in my own skin.

29 sounds old to me, as you know this IS the oldest I have ever been so far, so its hard to fathm why the “old soul” inside of me has always felt like I was 24 my whole life (even when I was 5 and still now).

Yes the taboo stuff comes with getting older but so does the really good stuff and at least I still get carded everywhere I go, not to brag or anything (hehe).

One of my dear friends has sent me this amazing and inspiring article from the Huffington Post that I really want to share with you! I literally could not change a single word because her words of wisdom truly moved me.  This was posted by a fellow Aquarii on HER birthday this Sunday by Dawn Gluskin and it is really amazing. I was going to do my own version of this but I don’t even think I could have said this any better or any more eloquently. So cheers to us, all of us who can be grateful to get another year older.  Here are the 37 life lessons so far from a 37 year old on her birthday, (I couldn’t even take out some if I tried to make it 29 lessons – they are all just too good not to share)- Enjoy!

Top 37 Life Lessons So Far…

1. Happiness comes from within. We spend way too much of our lives looking for outside validation and approval that eludes us. Turns out, it’s been an inside job all along. Go inward.

2. Be grateful for everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Our entire life is a precious gift. The pleasure, the pain — it’s all part of our path.

3. Subtle shifts in perception will transform your entire life. When feeling fearful, angry, hurt, simply choose to see a situation differently.

4. In being true to yourself, you can’t possibly make everybody else happy. Still, it’s better to risk being disliked for living your truth than to be loved for what you are pretending to be.

5. The world is our mirror. What we love in others is a reflection of what we love about ourselves. What upsets us about others is a strong indication of what we need to look at more closely within ourselves.

6. Everybody comes into our life for a reason. It is up to us to be open to the lesson they are meant to teach. The more someone rubs us the wrong way, the greater the lesson. Take notes.

7. Trust. In troubled times, just know that the Universe has your back and everything is going to be alright. If you’re not there yet, trust in hindsight you will understand. Your higher good is being supported, always.

8. Never take things personally. What others do is a reflection of what’s going on in their own life and probably has little or nothing to do with you.

9.  A walk in nature cures a lot. Taking in some fresh air and the beautiful landscape of this earth is amazingly head-clearing, grounding, and mood-lifting. Bonus: You can learn a whole lot about life in your observation of the awesomeness which is nature.

10. Hurt people hurt people. Love them anyway. Although, it’s totally okay to love them from a distance.

11. You have to feel it to heal it. Bring your fears and weaknesses front and center and shine a blazing spotlight on them because the only way out is through. The hurt of facing the truth is SO worth it in the long run, I swear.

12. Perfectionism is an illusion. A painful one at that. Ease up. Strive for excellence, sure, but allow yourself room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of outcome.

13. Take the blinders off. Don’t become so laser-focused on your own goals and desires that you miss out on the beauty in life and the people around you. The world is stunningly beautiful when you walk around with eyes wide open.

14. Celebrate the journey. It’s not all about the destination. Savor all of your successes, even the small ones.

15. Forgiveness is not so much about the other person. It’s about you and for you so that you can gain the peace and freedom you deserve. Forgive quickly and often.

16. We are all incredibly intuitive. When we learn to become still and listen, we can tap into some pretty amazing primal wisdom. Listen to the quiet whisper of your heart. It knows the way.

17. Let your soul shine! Be authentic. There is nobody else on this earth just like you. Step into your truth wholeheartedly and live and breathe your purpose.

18. We are powerful creators. Seriously, bad-asses. With intention, focus, and persistence — anything is possible. Know this.

19. I am full of light. You are full of light. We are all full of light. Some cast shadows on their own brightness. Be a beacon of light to others and show them the way.

20. Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. Have fun.

21. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. And, love and support them right back! Life is too short for anything less.

22. Learn the delicate dance. Have big beautiful dreams and vision. Chase them with much passion. But, also hold on to them all ever so lightly. Be flexible and willing to flow as life comes at you.

23. Giving is the secret to receiving. Share your wisdom, your love, your talents. Share freely and be amazed at how much beauty in life flows back to you.

24. On that note, be careful not to give too much. If you empty out your own cup completely, you will have nothing left to give. Balance is key.

25. Say “YES!” to everything that lights you up. Say “no”, unapologetically, to anything that doesn’t excite you or you don’t have the bandwidth for. Time is one of our most precious resources that we can never get back. Manage it wisely.

26. Sometimes we outgrow friendships. It doesn’t mean they’re bad or you’re bad. It just means you’re on different paths. Hold them in your heart, but when they start to hurt or hold you back, it’s time to give space or let go.

27. Fear is often a very good indicator of what we really want and need in our life. Let it be your compass and enjoy the exciting adventure it leads you on.

28. Overcoming your fears is one of the most empowering things you can ever do for yourself. You’ll prove to yourself you can truly accomplish anything! Major self-confidence booster.

29. Our bodies are our vehicle to our dreams. Treat them with love and fuel them with the best health to feel vibrant and energized. But, never obsess over image. Looks are subjective and will fade in time, anyway. Feeling good, healthy, and comfortable in our own skin is what matters most.

30. Let those that you love know it often and enthusiastically. You can never say it or show it too much. Your time, total presence, love, and genuine concern for their wellness is the greatest gift of all.

31. The present moment is where it’s at. It’s the only one promised to any of us. Learn from your past & enjoy the beautiful memories, but don’t cling or let them haunt you. And, dream big and be excited about the future, but don’t become obsessed. Love this moment, always.

32. Life is full of highs and lows. We need them both to grow to our fullest potential. Just hang on tight and enjoy the ride.

33. We are all connected as one human family. Nobody is better or worse than anyone else — just at different stages of our journeys and dealing with life the best way we know how. Recognize that the other person is you.

34. Practice daily gratitude for all the blessings in your life, large and small. Not only is this a high vibe practice that feels amazing, in practicing regularly you are creating space for even more abundance — of joy, love, health, and prosperity.

35. We are not the center of the universe, although our ego can make us feel that way at times. Step outside of that way of thinking and see the world and other people’s perspective in a whole new beautiful light.

36. The world needs more love, light, and laughter. Go be love.

37. You are the guru. For much of our lives, we have been told what do, how to think, what looks good, what “success” is. You don’t have to buy into any of it. Feel free to peel back the layers. Think for yourself. Break the mold. When you stop doing what everybody else wants you to do and start following your own intuition, you will be ridiculously happy.

Here is the full link to that article by Dawn Gluskin.  

And now for all of you who made it all the way through that – A very special Birthday SALE for you! Get 25% off any purchases on my etsy or my website OR through me directly when you place a new order for custom work, prints or products!!! Use code BIRTHDAYGIRL from now until Feb 6th!

Thanks so much and Thanks Jessica for sending this to me <3

Hope that inspired you!



Shop on or and use code BIRTHDAY girl for 25% off now through Feb 6th! xo