Hello all! And THANK YOU for sending me such sensational and appreciative comments! I apologize for not updating any posts lately and I realize, with my hectic life, and someone who, amidst searching for inspiration all the time gets a bit side tracked by my large, color coordinating and growing to do list, that I hadn’t had the time to sit and write a long and thoughtful inspired blog post.
So…. to this effect, I am sure you my fellow readers have had less time on occasion to read all of my rantings.

To the point, I will strive to add more and succinct thoughts, rantings and images so for those in-between times when I haven’t had a chance to sit and write for hours (which I love to do), I will just post short and sweetly.

and to that, I beg adieu and leave you with this my lovies!!!

Hope that inspires you!