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Summer is here and with every infinity pool and every ocean comes the feeling of endless possibilities.

A clean slate for the taking, something about the water feels like all your cares will be washed away and you will emerge anew.

It’s a time to relax and a time to rejuvenate yourself from whatever is weighing you down.

When it comes to your dreams, the summer is also a great time to create a version of your endless possibilities.

Summer vacations leave room for a space between the day-to-day and your mind to wander to the “what if’s”.

Just like a shower or soak in the tub, it’s a state of meditation where your “anxiety voice” can calm down and your inner guide can tell you what to do.

It is in the meditation – either sitting in actual meditation for 5 minutes or any form of soaking in water – that solutions arise to scenarios where you hadn’t known what to do.

This can be applied to relationships, to your career or to any one of your next moves.

“Everything is figureoutable” as Marie Forleo says, and soaking in a meditation is the first step to getting there.  (The second step is Google!)

Take a breath.

Take the first step.

Whatever your intuition is telling you is the key to what is right for you right now.  Not the anxiety voice (aka the ego voice which my mentor Gabrielle Bernstein says “Speaks first and loudest”), but the second voice you hear, the heart voice, the one that’s speaking from your soul – the one you are usually too afraid to listen to.

“Whatever it is that you most admire in others and aspire to be is what you have in yourself, but have not yet cultivated.” Says Mastin Kipp of the Daily Love.

What are you waiting for?

“May you ALWAYS do what you are afraid to do”.

Hope that inspires you!