Screenshot 2014-05-22 02.04.02

Illustration of my friend Mila Babrikova in Vieques

What would you do if you knew you that you were guided, if you knew that everything would work out for you in the long run, if you knew you were the best in the world at what you do?

How would you act? What would you do differently?

What if you knew some of the answers that you have been searching for? What if you saw over the horizon and could see that everything would be ok.

What if you finally found out that you would end up far down the road on path that you wanted to take, at your destination?

Well – you will. You are.

Now breathe.  Having an answer, checking off something on your milestone list that you know will get you to XYZ – will do that for you.

Life is meant to be uncertain – as you travel down the road on your day-to-day life.   oH HowevHowever,
your destination IS certain.  It is determined by your actions right now.

Use your intuition and it will guide you all the way through.
Believe in your heart that you know the answers already, right now.

It’s so funny – I have been gluten free for years. It started with me having stomach issues for years and seeing doctor after doctor, test after test, nutritionists, specialists and obsessing over what was wrong with me (because it’s not normal to feel sick every single day). Finally after researching a bunch I did an elimination diet and to the credit of my intuition I felt so much better when I cut gluten out for good (and now dairy as my food allergies seem to increased – ug!)

Anyway – I recently had a major bad reaction to something with hidden gluten in it – a lot of hidden gluten and I was sick for the last 2 weeks with some days that I could just manage to get myself out of the apartment and keep some of my commitments.

I finally got tested for Celiac disease – again, after many years of undeveloped technology, not enough research or even enough knowledge of Celiac’s or gluten allergies by the top doctors and specialists.

This time I got my answer.  I got tested for the Celiac “gene” which I had no idea even existed but now I know that I do have.   Years of obsessing – thinking I am a hypochondriac – thinking every single thing is wrong with me and now finally knowing – is the craziest feeling.  It’s like the bricks I have been carrying of thinking I am a crazy person have finally been lifted and I have been completely validated.  Validated about EVERY SINGLE THING that I thought was “wrong with me” and that all of my symptoms are somehow now all pieced together, tied up in a neat little bow with a totally understandable one explanation. They are related and they all are from Celiac’s and gluten intolerance.

I got amazing news that there are two parts to Celiac’s – the gene that can predetermine – and the manifestation of the effects of harm from gluten in your body.  I got this info after having an endoscopy and other blood tests.

Thank GOD that I used my intuition years ago, trusted my body, and kept as clean off of gluten as possible because I have very little damage at all, and WONT have damage if I stay away from gluten!

If you are struggling with a food allergy or feeling sick all the time – I hope this can help a bit. Get tested for Celiac’s disease or any other thing you think you may have – because your intuition is probably right.

I just want to tell YOU that this goes to show how powerful and miraculous your intuition is, and if you are not in tune with it – to get in tune with it now! It will guide you on every aspect of your life.

It truly is your internal guide – your internal compass as my mentor likes to say. I “knew” this all along and for years but I never really had as big of a slap in the face as THIS episode. I listened here and there, but now – Hey Intution, I’m all EARS!!!!! Tell me more!

So what would YOU do if you knew your intuition was the guide for everything, seriously – no joke – every single move you make. What would you do. What would you STOP doing. Who would you stop seeing. What would you tell those people and the special people in your life?

Speak your truth – act on it and literally follow that little voice in your head.

Not to get all deep on you – but there are two voices in your head (and that is normal.) One is your EGO voice and one is your INTUITION voice.

Gabrielle Bernstein – my mentor says that your EGO speaks first and loudest, and its not Freud’s Ego. It is basically your fearful self.

Your ego is here to protect you and guard you from harm, which was especially helpful when we were cave people but not so much now.
Our ego will tell us to NOT go for our dreams, that we are NOT good enough and that we are NOT loved.  However – your ego speaks first and loudest.  This is obviously not the voice to listen to. Tell your ego you are not going to be eaten by a tiger or die from starvation like our cave people ancestors may have. Unfortunately for us- we still have that ego voice even though 9 times out of 10 is no imminent danger.

To get to hear your intuition voice you must silence your mind.
This means meditation and it really is the only way to get there aside from being in-tune with it already.  If that sounds weird to you or you think that you don’t have the time? Just try it.

This is the answer to having freedom from fear, from worry and stress.
Anytime you feel fear, worry or stress. Stop, drop and meditate. If you don’t want to meditate, take a walk or a shower. Those two actions help me get back there to hear my intuition or “Ing” as Gabby calls it.

This is the key to amazing things people. It’s the key to living your life with certainty and to get you to your dream destination.  We are all equipped with this amazing guidance system. Tune in to activate yours.

For more questions or info on any of the things I mentioned in this blog, email me at

Learn more about Gabrielle Bernstein here. 
Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration

Hope that inspires you!
